Let’s Know Me!!!


I believe there is always a better way to live life, treat others and help those in need. This blog reflects my thoughts and dreams, basically, here you will see the world Through My Eyes…!!

There was a time when I was a victim of Anxiety and Depression, and Yes!! you heard it right, I have had Mental Issues in the past and I am not ashamed to speak about it, neither you should be. I am a proud human who conquered my mental problems and believe in optimism.

” I believe you have already seen my Not-So-Good
picture above, well everyone is not photogenic like you ;P 

Hi again, my name is Bushra which means Good Omen, (Ouch! Cliché!)
I create content on Mental health Issues, and I am passionate about creating awareness about this Not-so-Very comfortable topic.

Outside the office, I am an amazing Cook (Compliments to self are a healthy way of living). From Italian to Indian, I am not less than any chef. I love learning new languages, right now I am fluent in English, Hindi and Urdu, and learning Turkish and Spanish whenever I have spare time, (Hoping not to become “Bye-Lingual” very soon- Just Kidding!)






